Originally Posted By: MaryCas
If I Didn't Have a Gun
How often do you hear on the TV news or read on the local internet of a death by gun? Do you think our police force is nervous? Sitting in your patrol car you are not safe. Making a traffic stop you are not safe. Sitting on your front porch you are not safe. As a child attending school you are not safe. In a movie theatre you are not safe. On a college campus you are not safe. Shopping at a mall you are not safe. This is not about 2nd amendment. This is about gun control. This is about NRA lobbyist. This is about money. Stop the proliferation of guns in the hands of criminals and psychotics.

that's a very noble idea but what it would mean in reality is that only the criminals would have guns and law abiding citizens who wont get guns illegally would be unarmed and vulnerable.

"Let me tell you something. There's no nobility in poverty. I've been a poor man, and I've been a rich man. And I choose rich every fucking time."

-Jordan Belfort