Originally Posted by NYMafia

I do post here. I usually post up the new article links and sometimes comment on things but pretty much try to keep my mouth shut. However, I do feel compelled to make a comment about this thread. First, though, thanks for the compliment on the videos. They're a lot of work but I thoroughly enjoy doing them especially the Cherry Hill ones as that is probably my area of expertise in the vast ocean of all things mafia.

I also think some people on here (and this isn't directed at you per se) are like the pot calling the kettle black. You can't call someone biased because they take one side of things while on they themselves take a particular side of an issue. If you're pro-government, that's being as biased as someone taking the side per se of the mafia subject at hand. For the most part, The Other Guy lays out the facts in any bio or article he writes and he presents both sides as I do as well. The only difference being is that we actually present the other side of the story -- so unlike a lot of stuff out there -- it's not just lopsided in favor of the government.

I don't necessarily understand why people have such a problem with other people taking a different view on this subject. But the loudest complainers seem to be those that are antimafia which once again makes me want to beg the question of why exactly if you're so antimafia, are you on a site dedicated to the mafia and devoting so much time to this subject? Are you a wannabe fed? Are you a fed in hiding trying to stir the pot looking for information and maybe the truths of what we write is shattering your smoke and mirrors? I just don't get it.

I get where you're coming from, and just to clarify I am NOT anti-mafia. I absolutely adore the mafia. I always root for them when they're having problems in court and stuff. Growing up, I was the biggest Nicky Scarfo fan. I even sent his lawyers money

Proud of you Lisa. Keep on killin 'em