Originally Posted by ralphie_cifaretto
Haha a lot of people seem to really dislike you NYMafia. I don't consider you a fanboy, but you do sound like somebody who would rather be friends with a wiseguy than a government official haha

Hi ya Ralphie, Thank you for that little affirmation. In truth, I am the furtherest thing from a "fanboy" that one could be.

As far as my preference to being friends with a wiseguy as opposed to a government official? Lol.... judging from some of the politicians and government officials we've had out there, it's sometimes difficult to tell who the racketeer really is, the mob guy or the government guy! Lol..... so depending on the "wiseguy" and the "government official" you're asking about, you may be right or wrong on that one! LOL
And lastly, I wasn't aware, as you say of "a lot of people dislike me." With the exception of Moe and maybe one or two others, I always thought conversely that we (my website, I, and my partner at the site) were generally very well liked. In fact you're statement is news to me.

You really gotta ask yourself why would it be (if it's even true that is), that certain people do not like me?

I mind my own business and don't bother anyone. We keep very, very busy researching, composing and writing what most people in general have said is very good, unique and informative content for our website; the internet in general, the forum, and other outlets. 99.9% of the time we contribute relevant treads to this forum, and elsewhere. I never denigrate anybody, regardless of who they may be, or their views on various subjects.

You should remember too that I'm not getting paid for any of this (what IMO is great content that we put out weekly). My partner and I both do this for FREE!...so what's not to like about it? On average do you realize that my partner and I release 3-5 new mob stories every single week?

PS: we also track our analytics daily, weekly and monthly to see our viewership, and subscribers. Not to boast but to point of the facts, what we have found is that (overwhelmingly) we have had positive responses and comments toward nearly every single storyline, bio, or mob related article we've ever released. We seem to be growing our members at a solid rate weekly. If I showed you the wonderful comments complimenting our stories (literally hundreds per week), you'd fall out of your chair.

So I'm actually puzzled as to who it is exactly that you feel does not like us number #1. And number #2 if I might ask, why would they not like us, or me?

Ralphie, I also want you to know that I'm asking this question very sincerely here ok? What possible reason (or reasons) would someone, anyone, "dislike me?"

I just don't get where any disapproval or "dislike" comes from...in what way did I offend anyone?

Last edited by NYMafia; 11/16/20 03:04 PM.