Originally Posted by Fleming_Ave
Originally Posted by NYMafia
But more often than not its all a phony ruse to try and justify and cover up the real reason for the killing. And more often than not, that real reason is indeed a dishonorable one...this is one such story!

What a brutal way to die, and for no good reason.

He had a brutal death, unfortunately. And yes, his death could and should have been avoided..... but he's not alone. Theres been many over the years. Jealousy, envy, a perceived slight, a mistaken label that the guys a rat, etc etc.

IMO, in that life, unless your a rat, unless you're fucking a good fellas wife or daughter, unless you hurt another "friend" or his family member..... everything else can, and should be worked out!

Talk to the guy. admonish him. fine him. break him, shelve him..... banish him! But don't kill em!

But there are a lot of knuckleheads out there, who can't think straight. Or wanna show what tough guys they are.... and are heartless. And sometimes this is the result.