It’s a mix of both. They have a lot of old timer Italians who immigrated here in the 1950’s-70’s that are mostly running the show. They have many “zips” from Calabria, and other parts of Italy. In terms of home recruitment, many new recruits are the kids and close relatives of the older ndrangheta members. It’s a highly family connected group, so sons follow their fathers for the most part. Once in a while, especially in recent days, they have non family connected italian Canadians who join up with them, (such as “Carmine guido”) however it is less common. In the case of non ndrangheta groups in Canada, they recruit any Italian who fits the American guidelines as well as non Italians as associates. (Joe bravo Fernandez, reynald desjardins, ect). The difference between Canada and the US is that Canada’s legal punishment is much less and the majority of Italian Canadians immigrated her in the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s, so there are less percentage who are completely “canadianized”.