Originally Posted by Balaclava777
Originally Posted by Hollander
Only two former chiefs criminal (capo crimine) are known Antonio Macrì from Siderno and Antonio Pelle of San Luca, known as Gambazza.

The Chief Criminal is the one who has the role of peacemaker in the event of a feud between the locals and the 'ndrine as well as, in case there is no possibility of sanctioning the opening of the feud. The head of crime decides in a collegial manner together with the most important crimini of the 'Ndrangheta : the crimini of Africo, Cirò marina, Gioiosa Jonica, Platì, Rosarno and Sinopoli who has the last chance to decide on the murder against an affiliate, a member of the Cosa Nostra , the Camorra or the Sacra Corona Unita and members of the police and the judiciary.

Is it the most powerful position within the entire organization? If that position is known, what is it called?

Thanks as always for the expertise Hollander

The governing body of the 'Ndrangheta is the Crimine (Crime), supervised by the capo crimine. But his power is limited, more a ceremonial title.

For example police said the power behind Oppedisano was Vincenzo Pesce, the head of the Pesce 'ndrina in Rosarno.

The election of Oppedisano had not been easy. Giuseppe Pelle aspired to replace his ailing father Antonio Gambazza Pelle as capo crimine and keep the title in San Luca at the risk of triggering a conflict between clans. However, Vincenzo Pesce felt that the nomination of Pelle would distort the equilibrium in the 'Ndrangheta and threatened to form a separate organization taking some 30 locali with him. As a result, Oppedisano became the capo crimine instead of Pelle.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"