Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari
Originally Posted by Irishman12
Originally Posted by Lenox

A scary thought. Kamala Harris in the White House . Thats fuckin scary.

And THAT'S what keeps me up at night. I can't stand her and if Biden does win, they're gonna hit us with the ol' bait-and-switch, mark my words!

I don't think that is going to happen. Biden has been busy or at least his close aides confidants have. They are not waiting for the official word and already are meeting with members close to state Governors, Congress members not just for the Democratic party either. I agree Kamala Harris is a scary being on to herself, and I have that fear that she will try to slip in some police state tactics if she can. After 4 years of Trump, I would rather have an actual caring Grandfather.
Hollander both parties have young members in their ranks, and many of the best ones in each party refuse to run for president at their stage of live, but may run in a decade or two. Who knows.

What disgusts me is IMO, I don't think Biden is fit for office personally and that's not a knock at him. I think he honestly is suffering from some early stages of dementia/alzheimers or something in that ballpark. Remember when Trump got elected and people called his health into question (which was a bogus claim to begin with and it was proven so)? But I honestly do have concerns about Joe (another reason for the bait-and-switch). I was upset at the Republicans for attacking Joe on this point but I was even more upset at the Democrats for parading him out, seeing him in that condition. I've had a few people very close to me in my life suffer and die from the disease, so I recognize the signs. It's not all the time with Joe, that's why again, I believe it's in his early stages.

Also, for all the leftists claiming victory, claim down. This is going to the courts. There's too much documented proof of voter fraud for this not to proceed. The courts will decide it. Just another reason why we need voter ID laws in this country and I was against mail-in balloting as well (I voted in person BTW).