Originally Posted by Lenox
There is NO DOUBT that the Democrats rigged the election and cheated. They wanted mail in ballots for a reason: its easy to manipulate mail in ballots. You can also miraculously find a bunch of ballots in the 11th hour after you know how much your candidiate is losing by and then make up the difference with a bunch of ballots you mysteriously found or a bunch of late ballots that just happened to get delivered. Its fraud !
The democrats have people in especially minority communities where they pay them for their ballots. Its much harder to do if they have to vote in person.
They also commit fraud during the counting process, particularly in detroit, atlanta, las vegas, and other minority cities that reside in states with close races. Trump won as of midnight on election night until about 3 in the morning when all those extra ballots suddenly appeared.
Americans should be outraged ! I know I am. Trump won. You cannot decide an election based on mail in ballots. Had voting been done in person and Trump lost, we would be upset but we would accept it since it was fair.

Lastly. Facebook and Twitter censor posts that call out the democrats for cheating and they delete accounts. They also censor anything that is factual. Social media is part of the fraud.

Couldnt have said it better my friend. I am beyond outraged. They've now managed to use those phony ballots to push Biden over the edge in PA. Unbelievable. This is treason!!!