You know. I think Bonanno was approached about the Maranzano hit. You have Luciano, Genovese, Costello, Lucchese, Anastasia, and a few more higher ups in the family knowing about it before hand. The fact Joe Bonanno took over without opposition from the other families speaks volumes. Bonanno did have opposition from Italiano, Rappa to name the key players against Joe Bonanno rule. If we take in that scenario, it gives a better idea of why Lucchese began to drift away from Bonanno to Gambino, he already knew Genovese since at least the mid 1920s. This puts the time of them being bosses in a whole knew perspective, especially if it was Joe Bonanno who approached Luciano with the idea of hitting Maranzano. We known Luciano and his family were getting fed up, and Lucchese was close to Maranzano to serve as a messenger it would seem, and for him to help Luciano would indicate Lucchese knew something and sided with Luciano. I believe Joe Bonanno was approached or someone else in the family was approached and they worked out a deal before hand. Why? Cause they just got over the Castellammarese War and did not want another one.

"I have this Nightmare. I'm on 5th avenue watching the St. Patrick's Day parade and I have a coronary and nine thousand cops march happily over my body." Chief Sidney Green