Originally Posted by Terence
Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont and Wisconsin do not officially celebrate Columbus day and recognize Native American Day instead.

Flag day and Arbor day (among other overlooked days) may be in the calendar's you see or even buy but that doesn't necessarily reflect their importance to everyone.

He was a murderous fraud and by the very definition of the word - an immigrant

LOL.... Another "Politically correct, spoon fed, brainwashed innocent!"

If you take ALL those states combined (with the exception of Michigan) there's probably not 4 Italians total! Let them try that in NY, NJ, CT, MA, RI, FL, etc, etc...... they'd run em out of town! Lol

Cristoforo Colombo WAS a great explorer (obviously), a great sailor, a great visionary, a ballsy guy, and a great man! History lays out the case for that plain and simple. And no matter how you try, how matter how they try, THAT will never change. Don't be jealous, Don't be mad, just accept it!

I don't know what ethnicity you are or aren't. But whatever you are, I'm sure you have good and bad in your background. Everyone does. But regardless of where you (or your people) come from, few people in the history of the world have ever matched, let alone topped the Italian people. Not to brag, but we are a very accomplished bunch. Columbus is part of that, a big part.

Viva Italia, Viva Espana, Viva America