........ I almost forgot to add the one and only "Juius Caesar"

........ Admittedly even in criminality the Italian people were (and are) singular in their vision and breathe. Where else the world over have you ever seen an organization, a near model of perfection, that has stood the test of time the way that Cosa Nostra has? Nowhere!!

Hundreds of years later and it is still going strong, and is worldwide in its scope and exploits. THAT is without a doubt a phenomena!

Maybe an illegal phenomena, but a phenomena nonetheless.

A Frank Costello. A Lucky Luciano. A Carlo Gambino.... these men were criminal visionaries. And they all had Italian blood flowing through their veins...that was not a coincidence.

............ The Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria!

Last edited by NYMafia; 10/12/20 08:52 PM.