Originally Posted by Dob_Peppino
Originally Posted by Njein
It's a double edged sword being the most Sicilian of the Five Families: their cohesiveness during the Castellammarese War made them unified against Masseria, but in later years, their insularity, especially within the Sicilian contingent of the family, is what weakened them by the 1970s. By the time Rastelli was thrown off the Commission, the other families thought little of them.

I believe it is simply because the other Families only respect strength. Its easy for them to keep you off the Commission, when the Family you represent is divided. Your strength as a Boss (when politicking, comes from your allies on the Commission and the power you wield over your crews.) If your Family doesn't support you, the other Families won't respect you. Especially when its in there best interests to undermine your position.

Absolutely. Strength IS power. No matter how nice you are, wiseguys are like hawks, especially the upper level bosses. If they smell weakness they'll jump all over you.

Since I see that you like delving into the Bonanno Family. I while ago I had gotten a request to create a bio on two Bonanno guys who were largely mysteries. I forget who the forum member was, but they stated how little information and intel was even out there available on them.... well I'm happy to report that after much deep research I've put together an extensive profile on them that I think does em justice.

We'll be putting it up soon. I hope you enjoy it.

Last edited by NYMafia; 10/11/20 11:58 AM.