I gotta tell ya fellas, that to this day I find the accusation that Bonanno plotted the double murders of Tommy Lucchese and Carlo Gambino a bit farfetched to say the least.

Joe Bonanno was a highly independent and high-handed operator for sure. The accusation that he was "planting flags all over the world" in regards to his ambitions in Canada, Arizona, Southern California and elsewhere are extremely plausible to me.

But even Bonanno was not that whacky, or that much of a loose cannon to think that he could kill 2 TOP NYC bosses and get away with that. There would have been an epic mob war that would have made the Castellammarese War, all three Profaci/Colombo Wars, and the Banana War combined look like child's play! And THATS the truth.

I do not doubt that because there was already complaints from Frank DeSimone of LA, and Steve Magaddino of Buffalo that Bonanno was trying to usurp some of their authority and encroach a bit of their fiefdoms or territories, that the devious Gambino (ever the master tactician and Machiavellian plotter) collaborated with his sons father-in-law Lucchese to put out the word that Bonanno and Magliocco had plotted their executions.

Magliocco was a weak sister, and by himself Bonanno stood little chance of winning any Commission dispute. Gambino had an eye toward coveting more Brooklyn territory that he knew both Bonanno and Magliocco controlled. Remember that there were traditionally three Families operating in Kings County; Profaci, Bonanno, Gambino. If Carlo could swing the day, his borgata could slowly but surely inch up on each of the other 2 families operations and rackets.

He did so by having Magliocco thrown out of his post and installing the somewhat "puppet" leader captain Joe Colombo who now owed fealty to Gambino. He essentially sought to do the same to Bonanno's Family by creating havoc from within.

History shows us that in the ensuing years Carlo Gambino was pivotal to the selections of future Bonanno "acting bosses" who also owed allegiance to Gambino. He was a very shrewd "fox"!

I just feel that the alleged plot was NOT what Gambino and Lucchese "claimed" it was to the other Commission members. This was done to "ace out" Bonanno from his standing on that Commission. Remember that once Profaci had died, Bonanno was left without a strong ally. When alive Profaci was a staunch Bonanno supporter and vice versa. They made sure to protect each other from their enemies on the Commission.

Gambino and Lucchese NEVER would have even attempted such a coup, let alone won such a coup! But after Joe Profaci's death Bonanno was essentially left on a raft out in the ocean by himself without a paddle. Even his cousin Magaddino went against him. THAT was the last nail in his coffin. Magaddino abandoning Bonanno was the last straw and the pivotal action that emboldened the Gambino-Lucchese axis to move against Joe Bonanno.

He basically had the entire world go against him - the whole Commission. Even Joe Zerilli out of Detroit backed up on him because once Profaci died Zerilli no longer had any "dog in the fight" so to speak. And no loyalty left or obligation to Bonanno.

Just my informed opinion. My two cents! Lol

Last edited by NYMafia; 10/07/20 06:21 PM.