Originally Posted by Lou_Para
In all fairness,once Vito was almost killed,and Sonny got hit,Mike realized that he was the only remaining defender of the Family.
Having said that,I also feel that Mike actually enjoyed the power and fear that he wielded.
Every slight had to be avenged,but the only solution was murder.

He would never be like Vito
Vito too “actually enjoyed the power and fear that he wielded” among others, just ask!
1. Signor Roberto, Carmela's friend's landlord
2. band leader's brains or his signature
3. Woltz via Khartoum [defenceless prize horse]
4. anybody about Luca

Vito too “Every slight had to be avenged, but the only solution was murder” or threat of murder Comply or Die indeed

If my memory serves me right, among others - Vito
  • killed Don Fanucci and took over his business [Granted Vito looked after the people as well unlike Fanucci]
  • band leader's signature or brains on his Godson Fontane's contract release
  • killing of Khartoum [defenceless prize horse] for his Godson Fontane's movie role
  • went back years later and killed, a senile, one leg in the grave, Don Ciccio who was living out his last days thousands of miles away absolutely no threat to the Corleones as revenge for killing his family because same as Michael, the enemies have to be wiped out
  • planned all the dirty work - killing of Carlo Rizzi and Moe Greene, the baptism murders - for Michael to carry out after Vito's death thus leaving a murderous legacy for Michael Thanks! Pop

Originally Posted by Evita
Both were evil, ruthless, murderous crime boss Like father like son The difference was their wives
Spot on! Vito's Carmela Michael's no Apollonia