Not that surprising that the Hamilton HA have connections/involvement to these murders, it's comical to think that they aren't at the core of it all. The mobsters were/are the only OC getting killed in the 'Mob War' lol.

The HA in Hamilton have members of the cops in their family, that would make it a lot easier to wipe out the Musitanos and anyone else they might of killed, since this all started in Hamilton

All the mob families in Hamilton have been hurt, murdered Luppino, incarcerated both of the Violis, Albert Iavorane killed, and the Musitanos slaughtered.
The Hamilton HA also had reasons to try and kill Diego Serrano's son in Woodbridge? What about Tony Large as well, he was scouting business tied to the HA in Hamilton for a Legal Grow OP, we was killed between the attempt on Serrano and the killing of Musitano.

In Sicily, women are more dangerous than the shotgun.