Canada seems to be the only place where this is actually debated. Specifically, in Montreal, Toronto and Hamilton from my observations. It can be traced to Montreal, and the bikers association to the Rizzutos via guys like Norman Robitaille and his friendship with Nick Jr and Mom with Vito. The bikers treated it as ‘Monkeys see Monkeys think they can do’, they act like mobster or the Nomads like Mom and Norman now, and in the end they are neither. Yes, they are Hells in the sense that they wear the same uniform, but in no way, are they the same as those guys, they just get the benefit of the damage and money those guys created.

Toronto, has the highest per capita of Hells Angels members anywhere in the world, origins is that they were just given their cuts, never earned them. That’s the tradition of HA in Ontario, now compare that to mobsters, you gotta earn your rank in that world.

Hamilton is the city of Outlaws that became their blood enemies the HAs and the oldest MC in Canada, the Red Devils, became a club with a homosexual Patch, the Bacchus. Now the ex-puppets the Red Devils are serious 1%, the Bacchus lol.

If these guys were like the HA of which built the reputation for them, their puppets now would be not standing tall in Hamilton, and they wouldn’t be sharing territory with their sworn blood enemies (Outlaws have returned). Same for the OLMC, if they were serious, they could not exist with HAs in the same territory either.

You got brothers in Hamilton where one is an HA and the other a OPP cop, these are the type of relationships used to White Shotgun Paolo Renda, etc. As well, as pimping women and kids, the online porn or prostitution is very lucrative, it’s disturbing the shit you can trace to guys like David Lefebvre, Martin Robert, etc. via the web (both normal and dark). That stuff came to Quebec in the the late 90’s, early 2000’s via the now dead HA Scott Steinart.

If you know about Danny Kane, Amie Simard, you would know that that type of ‘brother, lover and BFF’ broke back mountain shit, was/is still alive in Quebec. Yves ‘Apache’ Trudeau took that to young boys with the help of the RCMP, these guys are the same. If they don’t physically participate, they are making money on the web with it now. It was another reason, for the Lennoxville Massacre, that type of shit, is the California poptart, NAMBLA boy love or California, which has massive headquarters in Toronto and Quebec.

The cops are some of the biggest fans, and participants in that shit with their biker BFF, specifically in Canada. If you can get any of the major players in the Rock Machine vs Hells Angels war to explain the whole thing this would be part of it, you can also ask them if it ever really ended, as well as how much of the attack on the Rizzutos and the current mob war in Hamilton had anything to do with this, as well as everything else.

It’s business, but it’s also a war!

Last edited by MolochioInduced; 09/05/20 07:26 AM. Reason: Grammar

In Sicily, women are more dangerous than the shotgun.