Further, I worked with a fella I really liked. But his boss let him get away with being fucked up on legal meds and sneaking alcohol and getting out of his mind to the point of being comatose on a nightly basis.

He had a dui that damaged private property. He could have killed someone at work because he drove a truck sometimes. If he did have a bad accident the whole department probably would have been outsourced and he would have cost a LOT of people their livelihoods. The boss was a psychopath who would have loved to see that happen.

At the end of the day I had to say to myself, I like this guy but he is NOT a good person. He's a bad person. And if he did hurt someone, he has no means to pay anything. So at the end of the day I can say I like this guy. But what I can't say is that he's a good person. It's just not true.