NYMafia, it's difficult to tell where "they" stop and "you" start. I have two things:

1. Agree on your assessment of the district attorney racket and this should be taught in school. It's all about the kill ratio. I don't mean everyone is innocent, but some of the worst human beings alive are district attorneys. DA is a career path, nothing more and nothing less. Win at all costs, lie, cheat, steal, withhold...hey kinda sounds like the mafia!

2. Your whole assessment in that last long post above is laughable. It's a twisted and perverted version of street justice that is completely deluded by bullshit reasoning and an absolute inability to be honest about crime.

If you Rob a food truck, and that truck company loses money and therefore has to raise prices to cover it, that means the neighborhood store is going to pay more and then charge more. Leeches on an entire community, the one the thief pretends he sticks up for.