Re: Albert Gallo is still alive. He's had a solid career with the Westside. Blast actually purchased the old Ca Sa Bella Ristorante from Mikey Sabella next door to Zookie Esposito's joint. It became his base. There, and a little social club he and Punchy ran in Brooklyn. Blast has run that restaurant for decades. Not half as well as Mike did, he was a stickler for cleanliness, food quality and cuisine, but he made plenty of money none the less. I used to be in Mikey's place every week. Great, great Italian food. Among the best of the whole neighborhood. IMO. I ate there for years. I would go when Blast owned it also, but the food wasn't even close to what Mike used to serve. Blast was a good guy, but his head wasn't on restaurants and cuisine.

He never took another pinch, and partnered with his old buddy Punchy Illiano in running a "Court Street" crew down that way in Red Hook where they'd grown up.

Today he's already 90 years old........COMPLETELY out of the life. He's happy to be breathing lol.

But he had a good run once they switched him out to downtown.