Olivant, I understand what you say about exhaustion of your knowledge and the rehashing of subjects, but I have to say, just bear in mind your posts are well appreciated by me, others and, I would imagine, the silent majority of people who continually visit the site...without guys like you and the others (they know who they are) we definitely would be stuck talking about the same things constantly.

Every now and then, there’s a new topic/poster/fact that’s keeps us all looking and interested relative to OC, but it’s not just that, it’s the subsequent day to day lessons given in manners, personal experiences and knowledge that I reckon people also are interested in.

GBB is one of those sites I think has managed to nail a niche topic, whilst still leaving great opportunities for the general topics (which I’m following more often as well). I personally hate Facebook, Twitter etc etc and this is a perfect option for me. You can drop in and out no probs...I suppose that gets back to the main question though!

And just a word to all the older posters who definitely still visit but have been disheartened because it’s not “like it was at the start”...well, whatever is? Get back in and share your much appreciated knowledge and experience on whatever topic on the site it might be..If you’re still visiting, your still interested (AND, please just reassure us your not deceased!)

Anyway, that’s what I think on this...:)