If we're all being honest about it, kid is right. Put this in perspective:

This guy was obviously a charismatic entertainer, who in his later years, a life of crime long behind him gave us all the entertainment and to some extent offered the lessons of a life spent engaged in crime. The fact that he knew personally some of the characters who most captivate the interest of OC afficionados made his accounts fascinating. This somewhat redeemed him in his later years, perhaps, though that is not for me to say.

And don't get me wrong - I would have loved to have had a coffee with this guy and heard what he had to say. But don't kid yourself either - this guy made his lot in life out of taking away other people's property. If you were the victim of The Hole In The Wall Gang you'd have a very different perspective if you looked into your office/safe one day and all your valuables were gone. No way you'd be saying "f*ck me that Frank Cullotta is so cool". This guy created a lifetime of misery for other people. Were he some random burglar you wouldn't care that he died. The fact that he's the real life template of "Frank Marino" is the only reason most people have so much sympathy.

I don't celebrate the loss of any human life, but I would be careful not to deify someone who was clearly no Robin Hood, and for most of his life probably not even a very nice person.