The Cerrito Family of San Jose, California

Despite being one of the smallest, nondescript Cosa Nostra borgatas to ever operate in the United States, longtime boss Joe Cerrito must have been doing something right.

Because the home he resided in is currently valued at almost $5,500,000 in today’s market, and he owned auto dealerships, other businesses and properties valued in the millions...and he did it all without ever serving one day in prison!

Now THAT’S what I call a “Wiseguy!”

**** I was actually surprised when I realized how well plugged in Cerrito was. Even as a boss I didn't realize he earned like that. I don't doubt he may have been involved in narcotics smuggling at a high level as a "financier" or partner because he was too close to East Coast narcotics guys and made too much $$ for that. Either that or he made a ton of cash during Prohibition and just wisely invested it all afterwards.

Last edited by NYMafia; 08/20/20 06:36 PM.