Originally Posted by Lenox
I understand its your opinion but i just think its strange that Alite constantly talks about how tough he was while a pro boxer , mma fighter, or wrestler never mention anything about how tough they were or how feared they were.
Again, im not saying Gotti jr was tough either.. where are Gotti jrs credentials??? Im just making a point, that is all.
I will say this , you dont do weeks or months in witsec without some form of toughness and you dont spend time in a brazilian prison without some toughness. No doubt about it.

Or get into a bar fight where it’s you against 3 people and 1 you stab in the throat and the other 2 you smash them in the face w glass

A March 1986 raid on DiBernardo's office seized alleged "child pornography and financial records." As "a result of the Postal Inspectors seizures [a federal prosecutor] is attempting to indict DiBernardo on child pornography violations" according to an FBI memo dated May 20, 1986.
Thousands of pages of FBI Files that document his involvement in Child Porn