
And I don't blame you. Both were a bit sick in the head as well. lol

Agro was a very self-indulgent guy. Full of himself (like a lot of em). Spilotro I don't know much about to be truthful. But he didn't sound like a pillar of society either.

I like to follow the careers of guys and have had a measure of respect for guys (made or not) who were intelligent, sharp, tough enough to be in that world but had a bit of a conscience and heart. We're good earners on their own, and not shakedown artists and abusive pricks who tried to "eat" off everybody else (whether they be fellow knock around guys as well as legit guys). etc.

The vicious scumbags and bloodthirsty guys who think the more blood they spilt gave them the most "respect" and wanted people to live in fear of them I never had respect for.

To me they are animals. There were plenty of wiseguys and racketeers who made a great living all their lives and never had to stoop to that level.