Originally Posted by Friend_of_Henry
Lou, it's always a pleasure to hear from you. I knew a couple of Video Gaming entrepreneurs in your area and beyond. In addition to Kelly, Henry had a piece of a smaller vending machine operation. Believe it or not I also recall and I believe it was Jo Jo spreading the word one year at camp about 666. I'm not sure if JCB posted one of my pictures showing a Samson briefcase full of $20.s from their numbers' operation one week and it might have been the 666 week they got down with some other non cooperative BMs.

Additionally thank you for understanding my need and teaching to be discreet. One of the many virtues Charlie taught me.

The 666 debacle was a major deal in this area. I actually go back to the pre-legal lottery days. Back then,you could play a number 4 different ways. There was the Old Stock, New Stock,and two different horse races that all determined the winning 3 digit number. I can remember people calling and placing bets for nickles. "Gimme 10 cents straight and 10 around (box bet)" A hundred fifty bucks was a pretty nice size hit. As far as the Video Gaming,my guy was the one that Zebo (and a few others) partnered up with to do business "on the reservation"