Originally Posted by Neo
Originally Posted by Friend_of_Henry

Hell more than 2 armed mobsters. How 'bout Jo Jo Pecora and Charlie Murgie? Not to mention an occasional few from New York.
As you may know being introduced as a "a friend of mine" is exactly that "his friend" as opposed to "a friend of ours" indicating that you're part of the Family".

I didn't know there was a few mobsters that liked deer hunting. I always thought of them as hardcore city dwelling folk.

"A friend of mine" means a connected guy, as in a person that is on record with a family.

Hell these guys went up to camp in the spring for Small Game season. How many of them actually hunted, well that another matter :-)

We're going to disagree on "A friend of mine" and "A friend of ours". We're allowed to disagree. Unfortunately we use neither definition today.

"Never walk in a room that you don't know how to get out of"- Henry Zottola