Originally Posted by Turnbull
Originally Posted by Irishman12
Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
I have to wear a mask every time I go lift weights at the gym and lifting weights with that thing on your face is extremely unpleasant.

I do as well but I take it off once I'm in the gym. I wear it when I go in and when I go out but I do cardio for an hour and there's no way I'm wearing that thing doing cardio for an hour. Been doing it for a few weeks and no one's said anything to me.

About the same for me, Irishman. When our gym was open, I wore a mask in and out, and when lifting. But, I took it off when doing all-out cardio on a recumbent bike because my goal was to get my heart rate above my age-adjusted max--and there was no way I could do that with a mask. I didn't see it as risky because the gym was practically empty, especially the cardio room which is separate from the weight rooms.

Gov. closed AZ gyms again on 7/27. They may reopen next week, but possibly with a mask-at-all-times mandate.

My gym has been pretty empty too. You have to make appointments for specific times and there's usually 140/150 slots available and there's maybe 20-30 people there. Also, there's usually at least 6 feet from the machine I'm working on from the next person's so that's why I don't feel guilty about it. But like olivant, I wipe down my machine before and after use. The pool just opened but I haven't been brave enough to try it yet. They weren't the best at keeping it clean before COVID-19, so I'm not trusting them now. Also, I go on weekends with some friends to a man made lake that's close to me and we open swim there.