Obviously not today with all the high technology available to law enforcement, but decades back "currency counterfeiting" was one of the easiest and most profitable rackets around.

What's better than dealing in money? Green bringing in the green!

Especially if the counterfeiters were real "artisans" as many of the early Italian and French criminals were. They could duplicate a $10, $20, or $50 dollar note to a near perfect replica of those from the U.S. Mint.

Pushed "retail", a $20. note brought a $20. return...OUTSTANDING!

Even sold "wholesale" to other hoodlums the going rate was typically 15% to 20% of face value. Many times they sold for higher. It was a racket that made many early mafiosi wealthy men.

The early Mafiosi who arrived in the country specialized in the field.

It was before the U.S. Treasury agents had the capacity to track counterfeiters.

Last edited by NYMafia; 08/03/20 12:19 PM.