THAT I totally agree with you on. RATS are the true scum of this world. Regardless of what they may be ratting about. A RAT IS A RAT! And good for nothing except to save their own asses by throwing other people under the bus.

Be a fucking man and go do your time if you fall. You DO NOT become a snitch. That's the true sign of a weasel! Plain and simple.

I was just acknowledging that Madonna served WAY too much time in the joint. He is NOT wealthy as you'd like to believe. He made some big money, but he only made it for several years. After 30 years in the can he came out broke!! And that's a fact!

As I stated he should have gotten his button (he deserved it). And just laid low, bookmaking, shylocking, fuck around with a few other things. It they wanna make him a skipper and give him a few guys to earn off of, that would have been Great! But stay the F off the grid.... he essentially ruined himself.

He should have NEVER, EVER have stepped up. He did it as a favor to was Altruistic, but a big mistake (obviously).

Matty has served over 40 years in jail. He's gonna do a lot more before its all over too! For me?? That is not a smart guy.
PS: one more fallacy I'd like to clear up. NOBODY, NOBODY..... I'll say it again, NOBODY is gonna feed him or his family for a year, let alone for the next several generations. That's a bullshit fantasy perpetuated by Mafia myth. They didn't do it sixty years ago. And they sure ain't doing it today!!

If he's got a single friend or two who wants give him a little help. Maybe he'll get a few dollars. But big money? NO WAY! and for years? REALLY NO WAY!

Last edited by NYMafia; 07/31/20 07:15 PM.