Originally Posted by NYMafia
Thank you very much. My partner MS wrote that expose on the brothers. It's very detailed.

Sindona? He turned out to be much more deeply involved with the Sicilian mafia than anybody first thought.

Sindona was also linked to P2 and the Vatican. I believe Eugenio Pacelli negotiated the Lanteran Treaty, which made the Vatican, its’ own country.
Pacelli went on to become Pope Pius the 12, with ties to the Kennedy Family.

That treaty enabled bankers like Sindona to work with the Gambinos in NYC and the big Sicilians like Riina. It also ties into Burlesconi and the Milanese banking titans that do the same.

Last edited by MolochioInduced; 07/27/20 05:25 PM. Reason: Spelling

In Sicily, women are more dangerous than the shotgun.