Tommy DiBella was a VERY important guy. A "sleeper" for many decades. Technically only a soldier, but highly respected.

He was the son of Salvatore DiBella, one of the original founding members of what later became the Profaci Family. So of course his son Tommy was revered.

Low key. Very humble and quiet. A soldier who walked the walk, and talked the talk. So when he was elevated to "Acting Boss", it was because he was both very knowledgeable about the "life", and had NO ambition to grab power.

In truth he could have cared less. THATS why he was selected. Di Bella was no threat and capable.

He was technically a longshoreman active on the Brooklyn docks. He was so old that he had actually been active in alcohol bootlegging during Prohibition.

He was a devout mafioso though and through, and it showed.

He served little if any time. He only had a BS bootleg pinch in the 1930s I think.

I don't know that Tommy had any big money, but it didn't seem to matter to him. He was a good soldier that followed directions.