THAT is the #1 reason why the mob is hurting today. The Italian people have melded into society and today are at the highest strata of income, professions, and the business world. They do not need that anymore. especially when the big profits are not there the way they were in the 1920s through 1980s era, and the penalties for those offenses are way out of whack with such draconian sentences.

Years ago it was potentially big profits with little risk. Today it is exactly the opposite, small profits for huge risk....It's just not worth it any longer.

It's a simple numbers game...and the numbers just don't add up anymore. Only idiots go into the rackets today. Any twenty or thirty some odd year old kid who needs to go that way is kidding himself!

99% have more on the ball than that. Many just don't understand the dynamics of that life until they're in too far, and it's too late.