My father, as well as my uncle, were in Lewisburg and Atlanta (among a lot of other places). After some years they each ended up in "camps". Believe me it makes a huge, huge difference!

Despite being "inside", you don't have huge steel gates slamming shut on you. Or walking single file in rotation with armed guards hawking and watching your every moment.
You live in dorms with a group of other inmates with a locked door, but NOT a steel jail cell like a cage. Food is better. you have much more freedom to move around the facility. Play ball, stay in the day room, visits, etc.

It makes a world of difference.

Also, although you are serving time with other guys who may have committed serious offenses, it's generally not the same level of hard-core inmate as behind the "wall". Even if they are, by the time they reach the camp they're either older, or on the "back nine" of their bit, and generally don't want trouble. They wanna finish their sentence and get paroled.

Whereas behind the wall you've often got a bunch of lifers or guys doing long terms, who damn well know they're not getting out anytime soon and have a much different outlook. Violence and conflict is much more prevalent. A lot more shit to deal with.

The only part about being in a medium, and especially a "low" facility is that you always run into "rats" and informants because that's where they do their time too. My father and uncle used to get irked by these assholes. They'd chase em away from them. Rats or suspected "cooperators" were shunned from eating or hanging out around them. They would be ostracized by the Italian wiseguys (or any other standup guys) there.

Understandable of course!

Last edited by NYMafia; 07/25/20 01:38 PM.