Again, I would have to agree with Peppino on this one.

Granted, LE was not nearly as sophisticated as they are in recent decades, but There are sharp, quiet and careful mafiosi who are able to know when to go into something (and how far and in what manner), and then there are wild men and loose cannons who just don't give a good fuck and try and "bull" their way through that life.

Those are usually the guys who die in the gutter, or die in prison never seeing the light of day. A Galante. A Genovese. etc...

Then you have your Carlo Gambino's, Tommy Lucchese's, and the like who thread slowly and are "thinkers" and are the tacticians in the underworld. They are mostly the fellas who die in their own beds free as Jay Birds. They get to die on their owns terms, surrounded with their loved ones and the millions they've made. Like Frank Costello and Sam DeCavalcante, etc.