Originally Posted by Lana
The more we discuss Vito, the more I am baffled how Vito is fêted as the family man
Vito's only family value was there is no hint Vito had goumars

Wonder what “ethical relativist” Vito would do if non-Sicilian Tom had goumars?

I bet! Vito's ”Who says you can't live your live exactly as you want to live it?" applies to husbands only not wives

Excuse me! Vito It is not in "good family men's" “nature to philander.” nor beat up their wives

I think it is fleshed out in the book Vito stated Carmela did not give Vito any reason for Vito to beat Carmela up Nice!

Vito was instrumental, contributed and caused the misery of every one of his children to their gloom and doom including the violent deaths of Santino, Carlo and Fredo Thanks! Pop

It seems that Vito did not cheat on his wife, did not beat his wife, did not spank his children, spent time with his family. What you're complaining about is Vito not interfering in others' lives. It's unfortunately outside of the confines of the book, but it's obvious that by the time of the wedding Vito had decided that Carlo was a bad choice for a husband. We don't have the text regarding their courtship, but it's inconceivable to me that Vito didn't signal his disapproval to Connie. Once she made her choice, he treated her like an adult, and didn't interfere.

All children can blame their parents. It's a perk.

"All of these men were good listeners; patient men."