Originally Posted by Lou_Para
When Barzini says the traffic in narcotics will be permitted but controlled,and Don Corleone will provide protection in the East,and so will be the peace, and Vito agrees to keep that peace, I think that they are strictly referring to ending the war over Narcotics. With 5 major Families all operating in New York, there have always been incursions into each others territory. Mostly,they are settled with sit downs, sometimes with more aggressive arbitration techniques. My point is that if Barzini was weaseling into the Corleone rackets,it was outside the scope of the peace agreement made at the Commission, since it didn't involve the drug business.
I too “think that they are strictly referring to ending the war over Narcotics”

If my memory serves me right, my understanding, the Commission meeting achieved peace solutions for -
  • traffic in drugs
Barzini: Don Corleone will give protection and there will be peace ie: the only peace Barzini made was in respect of the drugs trade
Vito swears "that I will not be the one to break the peace we made today." ie: Vito will continue to give protection for the drugs trade

Barzini made no peace that he would not chisel Corleones' territory!

  • Vito and Tattaglia
forgoing individual vendetta, each having lost a son
Vito and Tattaglia made peace with each other not to avenge the murders of their sons

  • Michael's safe return
clearing of all these false Sollozzo business charges! and ensuring Michael's safety

It seems to me the peace made at the Commission meeting related to,
1. Vito's protection for the drugs trade
2. Vito and Tattaglia forgoing vengeance
3. Michael's safe return and staying safe

It had nothing to do with business!