Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari
Molochiolndiced, what are you going on about? What BS about Papalia? Are you talking about Johnny Pops? Are talking about the current Papalia family with Patrick "Nick" Papalia being Frank Bifulco favorite guy up in Canada? About the Papalia family being mad on a number of issues with the Musitano family and Buffalo. Joe Todaro Sr died so most of the beef they had with Buffalo died with Todaro. They were still mad about Johnny pops being killed by the Musitanos. They were in agreement with the Luppinos although Violi also was displeased with the Musitanos doing more business with the Sicilians in GTA. They were mad that the Musitanos pulled the rug from out under them in a multi million project. All of which is true. So again what BS are you talking about?

None of that stuff, which all seems true. Ask that loser cop if you know him, and all his pussy buddies. See how guys like that fit into to all the stuff that has gone down in Hamilton since 2014, involving everyone around there.

Not implying anyone Papalia, Violi/Luppino are a Narc, just that people like that cop will say or make up anything for a dollar or a promotion.

They are an invisible part of business that never gets mentioned and are free to fan the flames and are never held responsible for the problems they start. Cops are a gang unto themselves, the worst of all IMO.

I apologize if it seemed I was implying anyone was somehow working with LE.

Last edited by MolochioInduced; 07/13/20 05:40 AM.

In Sicily, women are more dangerous than the shotgun.