Molochiolndiced, what are you going on about? What BS about Papalia? Are you talking about Johnny Pops? Are talking about the current Papalia family with Patrick "Nick" Papalia being Frank Bifulco favorite guy up in Canada? About the Papalia family being mad on a number of issues with the Musitano family and Buffalo. Joe Todaro Sr died so most of the beef they had with Buffalo died with Todaro. They were still mad about Johnny pops being killed by the Musitanos. They were in agreement with the Luppinos although Violi also was displeased with the Musitanos doing more business with the Sicilians in GTA. They were mad that the Musitanos pulled the rug from out under them in a multi million project. All of which is true. So again what BS are you talking about?

"I have this Nightmare. I'm on 5th avenue watching the St. Patrick's Day parade and I have a coronary and nine thousand cops march happily over my body." Chief Sidney Green