may 2- angelo musitano murdered.
june 27-home of pat musitano shot at.

apr 18-attempted murder of natale luppino and giuseppe capobianco by 4 individuals from MTL.
sept 13-murder of albert iavarone,brother of antonio and associated w/luppino/violi faction.

jan 30-murder if vincenzo luppino son of rocco luppino who is now the leader of luppino/violi faction after arrest and imprisonment of violi bros. in project o tremens.
apr 17-attempted murder of pat musitano.
june 17-attempted murder of jason lalonde alleged associate of pat musitano.
july 24-car accident outside home of pat musitano involving hit team and bodyguard john clary.

mar 2-murder of giorgio barresi associate of pat musitano.
july 10-murder of pat musitano,bodyguard john clary and attempted murder of giuseppe avignone(alleged that he was the 3rd victim has not been confirmed)