According to the police, photos of the remains of Naima Jillal (52) who disappeared in Amsterdam in October are circulating in the criminal environment. Therefore, the police said to take into account that she was murdered. Jillal was involved at the highest level in large-scale cocaine trafficking, according to several police investigations.
It has also been speculated that Jillal went into hiding voluntarily.
Justice and police have been encountering Jillal (“Aunt”) for years in investigations into large-scale cocaine trafficking. She is described in soft information as a person who, together with other investors, brought large consignments of cocaine to the Netherlands or Belgium
Jillal turned up in the Dobrisic investigation, which sentenced “Grandpa Frits” Bridjanand B. (54) this spring.
She has also been observed with Roger “Piet Costa” P., another person who appears in several cocaine studies. Jillal is also said to have been in contact with Ridouan Taghi, Mustapha F. and the Surinamese Piet W., who had previously been convicted for cocaine trafficking, who is now at large.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"