First off no Italian took a boat to America, a country named after us, I believe they are called ships. They must not of given you such a good education, but better than Lenox. Probably not. We saw those videos. Over and over ad nausuem. The only correlation I see is that both the men killed were black, and they were allegedly commiting a crime when confronted and killed. You weren't there, I wasn't there we both don't know if they all or any were killing them because they were black. Italians were held down Irish were held down and honestly if you are in the UK you don't have the information or experience to talk about any of it. All you know is what you have been told. You know less about rednecks and you shouldn't even use that word. I can't say redskin but you can call me olive skin? How is that fair? Hypocritical if you ask me. Personally I don't consider myself white. I say I am Latin also. We wrote Latin. Our language including english is mostly Latin. The statistics people are referring to are fbi and cdc statistics. Are you saying they are false? Are blacks given less opportunities? That is debatable but who said anyone is owed anything. Opportunity is based on merit. You say everyone is equal, yet you said you have are more educated so does that make you superior? Maybe in some aspect maybe not in others. Totally contradictory statements you have made. In the usa we do begrudge giving our taxes to anyone. That's why the founders sent your countrymens ancestors packing and back to your island. And to say they will always be less fortunate is just perpetuating the problem telling these people they can't succeed which is bullshit. Italians did it like you said. Didn't your country occupy and enslave Indians?