Originally Posted by MolochioInduced
Found out about a prizefighter name Josh Hill, he is from Stoney Creek.

He is/was claiming that half his family is Musitano the other half Papalia. I looked into the Papalia side, seems to be BS. So I guess he and his family are Musitano?

Whatever was suppose to happen in Hamilton after Rizzuto died failed, seems like whatever tie this guy has might of been who whacked Verducci.

This Hill and father are both firemen as well, maybe part of the group with Desjardin, that were with the Scoppas till they got finished off. It’s been suggested to me that Giorgio Baressi, was either setup or murdered because of this cell? If it is even true!!

There is a HA out in Stoney Creek as well, his kid was a boxer who didn’t use his last named, used his mother instead Riley. I think they call the dad Geo, anyways, might provide a link to add to the list of Calabrese in the Provincia.

Josh hill is not italian. When did he say this? Do you have a link?