I’ve replied to your “myths“ below.

Originally Posted by Lenox
Myth #1
We have a problem with white supremists.. where are all these white supremists? Hiding by the Lochness monster? - You have literally just seen a video of a white policeman casually suffocating a black man to death. This is coming off the back of a redneck father and son chasing a black man down and shooting him dead. So you feel all black people have been given the same opportunity as white people in America to this day? And that they haven’t been held down and looked down upon by the majority white country? Bro get real. Even someone with half a brain cell can concede this point.

We have a problem with violents blacks with no fathers. Thats the true problem. - poverty is rife in the black community due to a lack of opportunities over the last century since they were enslaved. Give more opportunities/less racism and crime lessens. Look at the Italians 100 years ago to now. Only the dumb Italians still in crime as the community has got more opportunities. When they first got off the boat they were seen by racists as cousin shagging greasy semi-black people. Now they are firmly white, feel safely white and get more opportunity from the community accordingly.

Myth #2
Cops are slaughtering blacks.
More whites are killed by cops each year than blacks. - dumb statement. Proportionally way more blacks are killed than whites if you look at the race demographics of the country. It’s like saying more whites eat food in America so whites are fatter. Makes no sense.

Over 90% of blacks that are killed are killed by other blacks. - same for every culture. Italians kill Italians. If you’re community is a certain colour, any crime elements within those communities will obviously kill each other when disputes happen. What point are you actually making

Myth #3
There is systemic racism.
What does that even mean? Thats a twenty first century term liberals throw at us that no one can truly define. - okay so where do i start with this. I would probably suggest you read something as me typing on my phone in bed on such a complex issue isn’t really going to do it justice my friend. Let me bite size it for you - black people since slavery ended have been given far less opportunities, funding and suffered horrific amounts of racism over the last century which filters down to now where things have improved but there is still a lot to do, whether it’s police discrimination, harsher jail terms, employment bias against blacks or just someone in the street looking down upon black people it’s still prevalent and experienced every day.

Myth #4
We are holding blacks down. - (Who is we? Who are you? Let me know and I’ll give you an answer!)

Bs.. blacks hold themselves down. 77% of all blacks are born out of wedlock to young, unskilled, and mostly low income women. - i don’t know this statistic. I am also not religious and don’t believe in weddings. Yet I’m certainly a lot more educated than you so go figure.

Thats not a recipe for success and thats not the white mans problem. - nothing is a “white mans problem”. There is right and there is wrong. Everyone is equal and deserves the same opportunity. This has horrifically not happened over the last century and although things have undoubtedly improved there are still examples of it which when caught on camera it creates outrage as the wounds are still fresh.

The extremely high out of wedlock birth rate in the black community is BY FAR their biggest problem and its self inflicted,
Who pays for all these out of wedlock children? The american tax payer. - in the U.K. this is prevalent in all races as I’m sure is the same in the US. Don’t you guys have rednecks! Our posh rich PM has kids everywhere! Anyway a single parent low income household is not a great life. I don’t begrudge some of my taxes going to help people with a few extra dollars a month to pay for food whether it’s for white black brown household. There’ll always be the less fortunate, and always will be. God forbid you/I don’t lose our incomes and get divorced and then we would be more leeches to the system in your shady view..

Another fact, blacks are 13% of the population yet they commit over 51% of all violent crime. Thats part of their culture.
If anything, blacks are much more racist against whites. - i don’t know if this statistic is true but I would add one thing and ask you a question - poverty equals crime. Why is there poverty in black community?!!

People from India are brown and they come to this country with no money but yet they commit no crime and their children do very well. Why, they have strong family values. This is what truly lacks in the black community. The black culture is not only irresponsible and violent, its immature. Stop blaming whites for the problem caused by blacks. -load of absolute twaddle. Indians weren’t brought over as slaves, dehumanised, Segregated into poor ghettos, looked down upon, constantly beaten and hurt by police, subject to harsher jail terms, etc etc. How can you compare the 2 communities. Simplistic and dumb argument .

Last edited by streetbossliborio; 06/05/20 12:50 AM.