Here is the truth which you will never see on the fake news.

Here you go. Last year, 19 whites were shot and killed by cops compared to only 9 blacks.

According to the Justice Department, blacks die of homicide at six times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined. That’s because blacks commit homicide at eight times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined … In the 75 largest counties of the United States, which is where most of the population resides, blacks commit over 50 percent of all violent crime, though they’re 15 percent of the population in those counties,” she said. “These crime disparities are repeated in every big American city. Here in New York, blacks commit 75 percent of all shootings, though they’re 23 percent of the population. How do we know that? That’s what the victims of and witnesses to those shootings, who are overwhelmingly minority themselves, tell the police.”

This is the icing on the cake, at least 77% of all blacks are born out of wedlock which is the national average. In the inner cities its about 90% which means fathers are missing in action. The majority of all those out of wedlock children are born to young, low skilled, and low income mothers. That means those children are much more likely to be poor, have contact with law enforcement, go to prison, and much more likely to be killed by another black. That certainly is not the fault of the white man, that is clearly the fault of irresponsible black life styles. Its up to blacks themselves to straighten themselves out, not the white man.
This is fact, not opinion.

Last edited by Lenox; 06/04/20 08:46 AM.