It's not my local but the International. They back Democrats no matter what. First they told us with obamacare we were exempt from the penalty. Lie. Then we couldn't get reimbursed if we bought insurance on our own so I have no choice but to pay the same price for insurance as someone double my age. And the members are skilled in their profession but do what the leaders tell them and continue to vote for them. Same way blacks vote for them when they don't care about them either. I agree with having to have good relationships with the politicians but at some point you have to call a spade a spade and realize that Democrats talk the talk but don't walk the walk. I appreciate all the comments and Serp, you can speak your mind because the board seems to respect you and I'm new and don't post much. My whole point of this was to show that people of South Philly don't take no shit. We live in enclaves right next to an enclave of other races and ethnicities and coexist quite well. There are good and bad cops. Good and bad protestors. Good and bad in all. Time to unite. Not divide. There must be order and wiseguys can create and keep order. But it's up to the individual to be accountable.