Lenox, I couldn't of made a better argument based on facts than you did. Once people realize those are facts and not be spoonfed by liars who want to divide and conquer us, this will continue. Now, there is racism and a concerted effort to keep people down. But now a days it more of class racism and not so much about ethnicity. The rich want to keep the middleclass and poor down. When you look at the people rioting it is a group of all different type of people. We should come together and level the playing field. The way you do that is by running for office not running through a target for chinese junk. Blacks have been exploited, the only ones who have more are native Americans. But blacks are doing better here than anywhere else. They need to pool their resources and help each other. Will Smith doesn't do shizz for Philly. Black people should look up to Ben Carson instead of Lebron James. Big, the same you don't want Spanish and Italians to fight the wealthy peoples battle is the same way you shouldn't fight Bill Gates and Warren Buffets. Those bricks they are dropping of around town are put there buy those two pricks to go through windows of the average working man. So they become more racist and hate you.