Myth #1
We have a problem with white supremists.. where are all these white supremists? Hiding by the Lochness monster?
We have a problem with violents blacks with no fathers. Thats the true problem.

Myth #2
Cops are slaughtering blacks.
More whites are killed by cops each year than blacks. Fact.
Over 90% of blacks that are killed are killed by other blacks.

Myth #3
There is systemic racism.
What does that even mean? Thats a twenty first century term liberals throw at us that no one can truly define.

Myth #4
We are holding blacks down.
Bs.. blacks hold themselves down. 77% of all blacks are born out of wedlock to young, unskilled, and mostly low income women.
Thats not a recipe for success and thats not the white mans problem.
The extremely high out of wedlock birth rate in the black community is BY FAR their biggest problem and its self inflicted,
Who pays for all these out of wedlock children? The american tax payer.

Another fact, blacks are 13% of the population yet they commit over 51% of all violent crime. Thats part of their culture.
If anything, blacks are much more racist against whites.

People from India are brown and they come to this country with no money but yet they commit no crime and their children do very well. Why, they have strong family values. This is what truly lacks in the black community. The black culture is not only irresponsible and violent, its immature. Stop blaming whites for the problem caused by blacks.

Last edited by Lenox; 06/03/20 04:32 PM.