First of all, I'm on record as saying that Frank Locascio is the one guy who was hard done by on sentencing. I saw that FBI Report on reddit and it doesn't change my stance on that one bit. He should've went to prison but he also have been released by now. Those two things aren't mutually exclusive.

Second of all, #7 is the real smoking gun regarding this. What's quoted doesn't really prove anything one way or other unless the tape is released.

Sammy is a complete sociopath. I don't think he's taking this stance re: Locascio out of the goodness of his heart, or because he's had a change in conscience. I think he's doing it because he's angry at the government for sending him away for 17 years back in 2000. Even though it was his own fault and he ruined his second chance at freedom.

Before the 2000 case Sammy had a completely different take on Locascio and seemed indifferent, even amused, about his fortunes (or lack thereof). He wasn't pleading Locascio's innocence then, even though he had the platform

Again, why the sudden change of heart?

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.