Yeah it is disgusting....

But it was a thing that any street kid knew.... parents kept kids close ..... its not like now people were praying on your children and it was in most major city’s .

It still takes a certain kind of guy to run these rackets and thats why Harry was always looked down apron , shady cats !

The guy Bobby the guys he is talking about owning the buildings are were some shrewd guys but there money is still making money even though they are gone

Guys would get a girl to drink and as soon as he could he get her on 714’s or heroin and get her or him under control, many thought it was to get them to be buyers it was to get them to do anything for a long time a sex slave for dope. .

Last edited by Serpiente; 05/28/20 05:43 PM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."