No immediate parole for gang leader Gregory Woolley

Gang leader Gregory Woolley, considered by the police to be an influential actor in Montreal organized crime with ties to both bikers and the Mafia, will not be able to go to the halfway house as he wished.

Woolley, 48, has just been turned down by parole commissioners, who consider that despite some progress since his last incarceration, the gang leader still poses a significant risk to society.

According to your contributors, your criminality is one of choice, aware and calculated to satisfy an oversized ego, a need to please and control, and fueled by numerous visits to the criminal environment and significant notoriety. "
"The commission has taken into account that you have committed particularly serious crimes considering what drugs can have on society in general and its leverage on crime in particular. Your crimes are made more serious by the fact that you are linked to a criminal organization and that you were placed high in the organizational pyramid. In addition, the commission took into account in its decision that this is your third federal sentence and that there is no criminal lull in your home, "wrote the commissioners in their 10-page decision.
In conflict with a fellow prisoner

They also point out that Woolley is not a subject of interest in relation to a possible involvement in illicit activities in the penitentiary since the beginning of his imprisonment but that he is nonetheless because of his frequentations with individuals linked to organized crime inside the walls, and that he participates in activities organized by them.
The commissioners say that Woolley maintains a cordial relationship with the members of the personnel and his fellow prisoners, but that the intelligence reports "suggest that he would have a major conflict with another inmate".
Greg Woolley said during his hearing that journalists were unable to attend due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the report, he had cut ties with his criminal relationships outside and that although he rubs shoulders with them in institutions, this does not mean that he is involved in criminal activities at the penitentiary.

Although you have changed your attitude at the penitentiary, it appeared during the hearing that the number of things you learned while incarcerated is rather limited. In your discussions with the commission, you continue to minimize your involvement and its consequences. You do not take full responsibility for your crimes. You do not seem to have any regrets or remorse except for the consequences that your crimes have had for you. Your answers contain many cognitive distortions and obviously you would have needed to complete the program interrupted because of the virus. You needed it all the more because you are a long-distance individual, considering that you integrated the values ​​of the criminal community as a teenager and cultivated them up to the top of the pyramid. In short, the commission is of the opinion that your prison journey is on a trajectory of change but that these remain embryonic, "write the commissioners in their decision.
Gregory Woolley is currently serving a sentence of more than three and a half years in penitentiary for gangsterism and drug trafficking, following his arrest in the fall of 2018 in the Magot-Mastiff operation by which the Sûreté du Québec beheaded an alliance bikers-mafia-gang who led organized crime in Montreal.
In addition to denying him day parole, the commissioners already impose strict conditions on Gregory Woolley when he is released on statutory release - after serving half his sentence - next fall.
Woolley must remain in a specific location and respect a curfew from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. He will not be able to socialize with anyone with a criminal history or who is linked to a criminal organization. He will not be able to frequent licensed establishments. He must disclose all of his financial transactions and cannot have more than one communication device.